Professional Hotel Photography for Holiday Inn Express – West Palm Beach Metrocentre
Holiday Inn Express Hotel Photography
Our trip to West Palm Beach to photograph the Holiday Inn Express – West Palm Beach Metrocentre was quick and successful. The hotel contacted us with the request that they get their photo shoot date quickly and we were luckily able to comply. They had recently updated their hotel and were eager to show off all their hard work.
What Made This Hotel Photo Shoot Unique
The hotel is located in a busy area and had limited parking. Because it is tucked in behind some beautiful palm trees, we had quite the challenge capturing the exterior photos to show off the front of the property. Because the parking was limited, there were only so many parking spaces they could block off so we had to work strategically to get the shots during a busy check in.
This is where it is important to choose a photographer who is experienced but also who understands the importance of putting your guests needs first. We had to inconvenience some people who wanted to park in the closest parking spaces but we worked with them to find alternative parking spots. We find that the benefit to our team approach is that Paige can run interference and work with guests. Most guests are understanding once we explain what we are doing and acknowledge and value them.
Mixing Business With Pleasure
It was such a quick trip that we did not get a chance to explore the area but that was primarily because we were able to visit Paige’s family in Georgia on the way to and from the photo shoot. We always love our Florida hotels because that usually means that we can spend time with our family.
Thanks to everyone at the Holiday Inn Express – West Palm Beach Metrocentre for being so welcoming and making this a great hotel photo shoot. We definitely look forward to coming back to the area when we can explore more!